Where To Buy a Stock Tank

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One of the questions we get asked the most on our Instagram account is-”Where can I buy a stock tank?” And I get it, if you aren't a farmer, or this idea is new to you, you have NO IDEA where they come from. So we figured we'd write a post all about it to help you find one where you live. Because it largely depends on where you live. 

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The good news is that even though this summer has made stock tanks scarce, there are more places you can get stock tanks. There's even an online company that will ship them to your door. And it used to be nearly impossible to get stock tanks bigger than 8ft anywhere outside of the Midwest, companies like ours are offering bigger tanks in other parts of the country. 

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Okay, so what places can you search for a stock tank in?

Hastings Dealers: We truly believe that Hastings makes the highest quality tanks. We tried almost all of the brands that are out there and there's are the best hands down. We've had a lot of experience with a lot of different tanks. The problem? They aren’t everywhere. We used to be a dealer for them but are no longer selling physical stock tanks.

That being said, there are other stock tank brands that will certainly do the trick and are likely more accessible to everyone and they are sold at places like Tractor Supply. If you live in the country, you likely have a local version of this near you who either sells stock tanks or can order one for you. But if you want to buy a stock tank online and be able to pick it up same day, Tractor Supply is likely the place you need to go.

Photo used with permission from @allyraethreadco

Photo used with permission from @allyraethreadco

Here’s a more complete list with ideas of places to check out near you. A quick google search can help you figure out what you can get to more easily.

Tractor Supply
This is the store that has the most presence across the country. The have their own line of stock tanks and some stores sell Tarter or Behlen. In most of the country you cannot buy a size bigger than 8ft at their stores. Some places you can even get a plastic tank if that is what you are looking for.

This is where we got our stock tank pool and I just discovered today that these stores are only in the south, with most of their locations in Tennessee. But likely you're state has a similar type of store.

Rural King
They have 110 stores in 13 states - their locations are concentrated in the south and mid east.

True Value
From our internet search we could only find that they sold a 6ft stock tank pool, but maybe that's the size you want. Or maybe yours has an 8ft stock tank. Definitely worth giving them a call if this is your most convenient option.

Maybe you'll luck out and find someone selling these on Craigslist. I will say, be on the lookout for rust and leaks when buying a stock tank. You do not want to start out with those kinds of problems.

Farm Supply Stores
Like the Co-Op mentioned above, each state probably has something similar. If you live in a big city, you're gonna have to do a little thinking. Where are the nearest farming areas to you? Google is your friend- so just look up closest farm supply stores. Also, small enough stores might not even have websites, so don't hesitate to give them a call before you head there.

Once you have your stock tank, it’s time to start the installation. If you would like more in depth help on how to install and take care of your stock tank pool in a printable e-book, check out our Stock Tank Pool Guide. Otherwise you can read our DIY post that walks you through the install process.

Savannah & Casey