The Original Stock Tank Pool DIY

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The steps for setting up your stock tank pool are simple! There may be a couple intimidating steps, but you can do it! We have an entire guide dedicated to setting up your stock tank pool that will help you through every step of the process. You can find that here!

You only need a few things to get your stock tank pool going:

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Step 1. Find a nice level area to lay the stock tank on. If the area where you have chosen isn't level, use sand or rocks to build up whatever side needs it. You can also hire someone to level the area if this is something you don’t want to do yourself. It is important that your stock tank be pretty level so there aren't any unexpected leaks, but it doesn’t have to be perfect.

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Step 2. Cut holes in your stock tank. I'm not going to lie- this can be a pain in the butt. We bought a hole saw with an arbor and used our regular drill. You will need two holes, one at the top and one at the bottom. In an above ground pool, these aren't usually right on top of each other, but ours are. We haven't ever seen this as a problem. We now install them diagonal to each other. Either way will work, so do whatever you want in this regard!

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Step 3. Start assembling the pump and other parts. In the pool pump package there is a packet with instructions, warnings and troubleshooting. This packet proved to be vital in the setup of the pool. Just follow the instructions and you’ll be good!

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Step 4. Apply silicone waterproof sealant on the crevices of the parts that are attached to the stock tank. All of these steps are leading up to keeping water in the pool, but if there is any chance that it's going to be getting out, this is what will save you.

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Step 5. Fill the pool about half way.

Step 6. Test for leaks. Once you are sure there aren't any leaks, fill the rest of the pool up!

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Step 7. Turn the pump on. Make sure both plunger valves are open/unlocked. When you first do this water may not come out of the output, but there is a solution! Twist off the knob on top of the filter pump to let some air out. Some water may escape too and that's okay, just be ready to screw it back on as soon as the water starts coming out.

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And then you are done!

Savannah & Casey