Are Stock Tank Pools Worth It?
Are stock tank pools worth it? I’m sure you will hear many different opinions from folks who don’t have a stock tank pool. BUT I’m confident that most stock tank pool owners would tell you that yes, it’s so worth it! As a stock tank pool business owner, I understand that you may think I am biased. And while that may be slightly true, I have spent my share of summers in my own stock tank pool. I’ve also installed countless stock tank pools for people, so I’ve been able to see the good, the bad, and the ugly from all sides. My answer to this question is 100% yes! But you certainly may feel different! So I’m going to list some things to consider when thinking about installing a stock tank pool. Then you can decide if you really think it’s worth it.
1. Can you afford it? Check out our post on the cost of stock tank pools that gets into the nitty gritty details. Obviously the price matters in the beginning. After you’ve had your tank for multiple years, that initial set up cost really breaks down and seems less significant. The longer you have and use your stock tank pool, the more you get out of your investment. But in the beginning, it may feel like a big chunk to spend. When you think about how much an in-ground pool would cost, a stock tank pool isn’t even in the same category. It’s SO much cheaper. Some people think that a larger above ground pool is cheaper, but in the long run it really isn’t. It will take way more maintenance and require more time/products/water/ over time. Okay I’m on a tangent…. Definitely check out our cost of a stock tank pool post. If the average cost is just too high, a stock tank pool will certainly not be worth it for you.
2. Do you have time to maintain it? Maintaining the pool is actually pretty simple (and WAY less work that any larger pool) but you do have to pay a little attention to it. With a stock tank pool, you can really check the chlorine twice a week and have a decently clean pool. I always skim the pool when we use the pool with a hand skimmer for leaves, bugs, and larger debris that may have fallen in. It’s pretty simple to keep the water clean. Our pump comes on for 2 hours a day and does most of the work. Every month (sometimes sooner) I’ll have to change out the filter and that’s really it. In our stock tank pool guide we talk about our stock tank pool maintenance schedule in much more depth, but I promise it’s doable! If you feel overwhelmed by the maintenance, a stock tank pool may not be for you. But again, it’s the easiest to maintain of all the types of pools.
3. What’s your weather like? If you live somewhere were it’s pretty cool all summer, you may not get in the stock tank pool very much. Some people may think a full month of using a stock tank pool everyday would make it worth it. And if this is you, then I think you have your answer. Keep in mind that if you are in a cooler place, you can always install a heater to bring the water temperature up and extend your season. This will of course add to the cost, but that may be worth it to you.
4. Will you really use it? It’s really important to think about how much you will really use your stock tank pool. Are you going on multiple vacations/trips this summer or are you staying local? Do you like spending time at home and inviting your friends over? Obviously you don’t have to invite friends to your pool, but if you like spending more time outside of the house, will the stock tank pool actually get used? We love to use our stock tank pool for fun hangouts with friends, but we also just like to cool off after working outside all day. To me all these things make it worth it.
5. Do you like being in water? Do you get hot in the summer? Would you love a solution to the heat? Do you have a family or roommates that would also love a solution to the heat? If any of your answers are yes, I certainly think a stock tank pool can get the job done! We love to float in the stock tank pool and so do many other folks. An 8 ft., 9 ft., or 10 ft. can fit two adult floats, with the larger ones having room to spare. Also you can very comfortably fit 5 or 6 people in an 8 ft., although we one time fit 8 in there and no one was touching! The point is that there is sufficient room in a stock tank pool to cool multiple people off.
One thing I’d suggest for all new stock tank pool owners is to set your stock tank pool up and see how much you use it. You don’t have to paint it or build a deck to use it fully. If you really enjoy it then start thinking about the upgrades. If for some reason you really don’t like your stock tank pool or you just don’t want to keep up with it anymore, there’s likely someone who’d like to buy the whole set up from you.
Hopefully this list has helped you think through the decision of getting a stock tank pool. If you have more questions and want to read more about the DIY, check out The Stock Tank Pool Guide we wrote. It is very thorough and will walk you through the whole DIY process step by step!
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